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my new dog sausage we found strangley enough in thetford.must of bean fate.i feal so bad about butler R.I.P i miss him so.i havnt cried because i didnt see him pass away if that makes any sense.she just fills that void a kind of set myself up for a puppy to.anyway bet you like her.i never ever had a dog i didnt have to house train and infact helps little evil blanche lol with her house soon as she got here she wouldnt eat the food sent with her and went strate onto the dog food touch wood that my dogs eat.ill explaine my dogs eat the most boring complete cheap dog food you can bye.they eat out of a washing up bowl that is never empty so they eat when they want.believe me it`s cheap ,stops fighting for food ,you having to even be in.i have a greedy springer whos bean desexed 9 years old and spot on in size.ive bean doing this for 20 years.anyway hope you enjoy

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Npotter what a Darling little face :)

15 Aug, 2008


He needs ironing lol☺☺☺☺☺ lovely dogs

15 Aug, 2008


yes better than most people lol

15 Aug, 2008


A real cutie. What a face!
I feed the same way and always have. Have never had a dog with a weight problem. Have had 7 since married in '76 and all have been very healthy.
This is not to say that they don't get treats, they do, but right now our lab is 12 and the vet has recommended she have 1/2 can of fish every day for the fish oils. Good thing she LOVES fish.

15 Aug, 2008


cant you get cod liver oil tablets i would.vets have bulls%$t same as staffy/american bulldog is a year and a half and ive wormed her once ever.she was wormed at 7 weeks the day i picked her up.i thaught how could she get worms and i left her like the rest.i have a tip.another thing i do is run my dogs on a lot of hard standing (concrete run ) and ceramic springer is 9 and never had his nails cut.take care bye for now

15 Aug, 2008


Yes, I could give her pills but she doesn't like taking them and all things I've tried she still spits them out. Besides she likes to eat fish, and has gotten a little under weight as she's gotten older so the extra is good. She already takes pain meds and vitamins for arthritis, we read online about that and it has helped her mobility a lot.

15 Aug, 2008


sounds good .fish is good

16 Aug, 2008


What a nice shar-pei ! Is she a miniature or wiil she be full size? My brother had two of the larger ones years ago. They were great watchdogs, but had the gentlest and loving little personalities.

10 Nov, 2008


shes the larger type.i had the smaller type called darling for 12 years great dog

11 Nov, 2008

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