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field lupins


By Lori

field lupins

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I love these and have a memory of seeing lots of them on the Algarve coast in Portugal some years ago.

17 Jun, 2021


Gorgeous mix of colours…lovely to see Lori.

18 Jun, 2021


With Global Warming now Lori,Canada is almost like Los Angeles!

19 Jun, 2021


Love them , we were in Scotland one year at Lupin time everywhere you went the rivers were lined with them all up and over the banks ,they looked stunning ..

21 Jun, 2021


I had similar memories of seeing lupins, like the hollyhocks, growing in less than hospitable places and wondering why I couldn't get them established in my garden! I can now tell you, unequivocally, that the secret is complete neglect.

29 Jun, 2021


I have to dispute your theory, Stan. my evidence to the contrary is in a previous comment on another page about the sub-zero night temperatures in late May! It's been a double whammy this year... late frost and army worms have frozen blossom spurs and then defoliated the trees completely! the insects & cold have left the nut trees barren too! don't know what the animals will have to eat next winter. It's global warming for sure as the high Arctic was warmer than we were for most of May and into early June.

29 Jun, 2021

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