The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Dianthus 'Coconut Sundae'

Dianthus 'Coconut Sundae'

Low growing with a fabulous Clove scent.

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I just noticed the little Verbena Bonariensis seedling at the bottom of the photo. They pop up everywhere, grrr!

23 Jun, 2021


I have had these too for about 4 years and find them very reliable. I must remember to take cuttings soon.

24 Jun, 2021


Much as I love them, and their scent, they are just too short to cut for a vase . . . :o(

24 Jun, 2021


I love them too and I use a variety of drink glasses such as a sherry glass for short stemmed flowers like these, snowdrops and short sweet peas.

25 Jun, 2021


That's a good idea, always plenty of small drinking glasses in the charity shops so I'll have a look next time I visit one.

25 Jun, 2021

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