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hospital corner the slugs have had a field day with all this rain


By Drc726

hospital corner the slugs have had a field day with all this rain

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Every garden needs one....

11 Jul, 2021


Agree, it’s definitely a must isn’t it!

11 Jul, 2021



11 Jul, 2021


Thanks they do seem to be putting on new leaves. I will pot up and leave to mature before trying in the garden again any thoughts Kate? I have never used slug pellets as I think they are bad.

12 Jul, 2021


Denise, I found some holes in the potted Hostas today, just cannot find the critter that made them though!

I did find some slugs in the flower border earlier, but, like yourself, not using slug pellets or chemicals so just have to put up with a few losses!

12 Jul, 2021


I think you’re doing the right thing, Denise..however, when it comes to replanting when they’re mature…it may be the same issue recurs, sadly. Potted may be best, but, as Shirley says, even pots get ‘slugged’..
Now, if it were a patient with issues, I may be able to advise better! 😉

12 Jul, 2021


ST have you tried egg shells that works sometimes for me, but lost my Hostas eventually to slugs.
So your a nurse too Kate well I am retired now was a chemotherapy sister for many years and I was born in East Yorkshire but left when aged 5 and we both like gardening but no Scottish blood.
Mature plants are less likely to be eaten by slugs and I have had some success with planting back in the ground especially in the autumn.

12 Jul, 2021


Denise, this morning I moved all the pots of Hostas, grouped together on the patio by the house wall but not a slug or snail to be seen. They must be hiding somewhere . . . :o(

13 Jul, 2021


Have you got them on stands or feet ST as this works for me

13 Jul, 2021


No, they are in direct contact with the block paved patio - I shall get some more pot feet and see if that helps. Thanks Denise . . .

14 Jul, 2021


I also put a J cloth in the bottom of the pots before stones and that seems to work very well at keeping out vine weevil as well.

14 Jul, 2021


Now that's something for me to do from now on . . . thanks Denise.

15 Jul, 2021


I’ll bet you thoroughly enjoyed your role, Denise, helping so many people and giving so much support throughout the years. A sad and emotional nursing role, but I can imagine very fulfilling and rewarding.

16 Jul, 2021


Hi Kate yes it was I loved it.

17 Jul, 2021

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