The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Archontophoenix aka King palm aka Bangalow.


By Stan510

Archontophoenix aka King palm aka Bangalow.

I wish we had Parrots. Settle for Parakeets.

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Come here and you’ll see lots of parrots. Lol

5 Jan, 2022


I wish. If I do,I might not comeback. SD might not be 80f all winter,but you get them and lots and lots of 70's. We won't get a 70F day until February and maybe. Not for sure,but usually.

5 Jan, 2022


Lol! It was almost 80 degrees in some places around SD County yesterday (Thursday). It was 75 degrees here…it’s in the 60’s for a few days then back to 70’s.

8 Jan, 2022


We are now in a 58-60f range more or less. Should be a sunny week at least. Everything here is soaking wet. I might dig some things up or plant some things in pots that are hardy like dwarf Agaves.
I probably won't move anytime soon..getting older and where the Dr's are,plans, is important. But never say never.

8 Jan, 2022

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