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I planted Ruby.


By Stan510

I planted Ruby. (Ficus elastica (Assam Rubber))

Ruby the Ficus elastica planted in ground. It was too large a potted plant and in fact I removed about 18" from the top in December as it was blowing over in winds. It took me time to dig a hole large enough...but its in and wait until summer when new shoots are red. Its planted by the rental on the side of the house that gets blasting hot sun in summer. Ruby's shade will be welcome.

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It looks very good and will grow very fast in the ground.

21 Mar, 2022


It's going to take pruning. I saw a big one on youtube in Sydney. I'm so close to just being a water and prune gardener. Not much room unless I remove something. If that something needs much care for not much show,I can see doing that.
Gophers are a worry to. I endorse the neighborhood cats with them.

21 Mar, 2022

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