The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Ixia maculata

Ixia maculata

Jet black background.

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Like the black background the most.

12 Mar, 2022


I took this for a group I belong to on Flickr for photos of flowers with a jet black background.

13 Mar, 2022


This is a lovely flower, Wylie!

14 Mar, 2022


It was out in force today and out shone everything else in my garden.

16 Mar, 2022


With that bright orange it's no wonder!

But then as your climate is warmer than ours I expect it likes your garden a lot!

Do you grow the typical spring flowers like Daffodils, Crocuses, Hyacinths, etc, we do in the UK on your island? Perhaps it's too warm for them to flourish over there.

16 Mar, 2022


You are right, it is too warm, although the Jonquils are suited for warmer gardens. I have white and yellow Jonquils. But the Scillas are starting to bloom and I grow South African bulbs that bloom in the spring. Lapeirousia divaricate is the next to open - the petals are starting to push out from the bud.

17 Mar, 2022


Had a look at them on The Pacific Bulb website & they look quite interesting!

17 Mar, 2022

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