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What I was trying to avoid!


By Anget

What I was trying to avoid!

What a clashing mix. It was not planned this way - I obviously sprinkled seed of calendula over an area already full of hellebore and small tulips. The oxlips insinuated themselves. However, I sort of like the unruly mix and will tidy it up once the annuals have finished flowering.

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The Calendulas will be around all summer though, after the others have long disappeared. Love your cowslips. I was thrilled to find some growing wild on a grass verge last year. - Those little tulips are gorgeous - can you remember the variety please?

16 Apr, 2022


It loos very cheerful :)

17 Apr, 2022


Thank you, Paul and Klahanie. Glad you like this small area!

It's species tulip "Little Beauty' about 6-8 ins. tall, Stera. Very easy to find.
The cowslips/oxlips are almost a weed here. They come up in all shapes and sizes and in the orange,red, yellow colour range. The bees do their best to spread them around!

17 Apr, 2022


Thanks, Hywel. Definitely unintended results!!

17 Apr, 2022


I like it Anget! Looks so natural!

1 May, 2022

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