The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Plumes of the "Plume Poppy Tree". aka Bocconia.


By Stan510

Plumes of the "Plume Poppy Tree". aka Bocconia.

Just an exotic bloom..does not look like any other.

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No..not many in yards for sure. These Klahanie were part of that Craig Breedlove I think his name is? Who collected many of the Mexican cloud forest plants for the local bay area Botanical Gardens back in the 80's. This is probably a seed descendent of that era.

2 May, 2022


Yes. In fact I have a Deppea splendens in my backyard. It was found by Craig from just one hillside in Mexico. That hillside was cleared and burned illegally for cattle or corn,something, years go.
Now none are found in the wild. But I have one!

3 May, 2022


Ha!, I got his name confused with the world famous driver of what was the fast "car" ever built. Jet powered. I was into cars as a kid. Models and magazines. Now? I love the car that never breaks down Toyotas. lol.

4 May, 2022


It looks awesome!

7 May, 2022


Another fine specimen, thanks for the interesting info too, Stan!

7 May, 2022

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