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Time to give up on hostas?


By Anget

Time to give up on hostas?

This is 'June', usually reasonably resistant. Not this year! I don't want more pots so it's crunch time for most of my hostas ( except the large-leaved blue ones which aren't so susceptible.)
OH goes out on slug patrol most evenings and last night polished off 30+ of the little swines. I think it's easier to give up on the plants...

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I know the feeling , funny thing is our daughter has a gorgeous huge one with no sign of slugs at all , she has 3 collie dogs, perhaps they round them up and see them off Haha ..

8 Jun, 2022


That's a shame Anget! I have just the one in a pot near the little pond and is fine, but I have put gravel and broken terracotta pots around the plant.
Alan Titchmarsh once said, throw slug pellets over the fence and the slugs and snails will be drawn to them!
But..that's if you don't like your neighbours! lol

8 Jun, 2022


Interesting comments, thank you. I can't bring myself to use pellets in the open garden because of the number of birds we have. I have been ejecting a lot of plants in pots just recently, so I can harden my heart over this without too much regret!

8 Jun, 2022


What a shame. I am not complaining, but I dont know why slugs and snails dont eat mine, and I dont put pellets or any other deterent around them.

8 Jun, 2022


If you could work out the secret, Siris, you'd be worth a fortune!!

9 Jun, 2022


Ahh it's a shame and annoying, you could try garlic drench I tried it on my kniphofia as they kept eating through the stems, not 100% it worked but might be worth a try

11 Jun, 2022


I'll give it a try, D'lily. The 'June' I have in my cold frame has all but disappeared under their voracious appetite!

11 Jun, 2022


I remember years ago my mom gave me some marigolds I planted them on the front garden, the next day they had almost gone lol that was my first experience of slugs/snails and couldn't believe they ate my kniphofias although since moving those into the sun they seem much better as someone advised on here the sun hardens the stems :-))

11 Jun, 2022


I’m a bit frustrated at times, Ange, or have been until this year. So far, no nibbles!!!! Very odd indeed. However, once they start to look ropey..I find myself chopping at the leaves sadly.

12 Jun, 2022


It seems to alter every year, Kate. This year is bad here.

12 Jun, 2022

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