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Campanula trachelium alba (For my File)


By Siris

Campanula trachelium alba (For my File) (Campanula trachelium Alba floro plena)

3 plants from seed supposed to be doubles.

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The 3 pics are to help me locate where I have located the individual plants.

7 Jul, 2022


If it's anything like the blue one, you'll have a LOT of self-sown seedlings unless you deadhead

8 Jul, 2022


Thanks Andrew, yes I know about self seeding with abandon, Ive the blue one too, also Thalictrum flavum which is even worse and quicker.

12 Jul, 2022


I think centaurea montana is the worst - it goes to seed very quickly. I got rid of lunaria rediviva as it tried to populate the entire garden

12 Jul, 2022


My Centaurea montana is no problem, seedlings dont appear in the garden, and Ive never grown that Lunaria.

14 Jul, 2022

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This photo is of "Campanula trachelium alba floro plena" in Siris's garden

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