Can you believe it!!
By Meadowland

28 Aug, 2022
I may be wrong and the culprits could have been the birds or foxes but I very much doubt it...The bin isn't overflowing so there was plenty of roomThat's my rant over!I will enjoy the natural beauty around us.
Comments on this photo
Awful sight to come across ... we were in Arundel earlier today and saw so many empty cups and boxes from a well known fast food restaurant just out of town ... our 9yr. old grandaughter said "It's really bad for the environment, Nanny!" Well said!
28 Aug, 2022
Indeed ... :o)
29 Aug, 2022
It doesn't take much to put the litter in the bin and to take it out of the bin and scatter it around they must have had another head on!!!!
2 Sep, 2022
Yes, you're right Meadowland, there are some youngsters around who do good in the community. It's the thoughtless few showing this sort of irresponsible behaviour letting the others down. I always taught my son to put his litter in the bin.
3 Sep, 2022
There are some indolent individuals about sadly...goodness knows what their homes are like!!!
28 Aug, 2022