Yellow berries on Pyracantha

8 Oct, 2022
The Pigeons have stripped the berries from the top ... unable to balance for the lower ones though!
Comments on this photo
Thank goodness the pigeons can’t get at the lower berries or you wouldn’t get the lovely display at all. Lovely plant.
8 Oct, 2022
Josie, this has grown from a cutting taken off my dear, departed Mum's one! It clothes a fence, which in turn hides the bins.
9 Oct, 2022
Funnily the birds didn't take to my red one at all. We took it out in the end. We have a yellow one left but it doesn't berry as beautifully as this one.
9 Oct, 2022
Different aspects/soil perhaps? This faces North and hardly gets any sun.
9 Oct, 2022
The birds haven't started on any of ours in the long border,but the yellow one,is always the last to be stripped ? I planted it on my neighbours section,but I look after it..Yours looks great,it must be a good year for Yellow.:o)
10 Oct, 2022
Sandra, it makes you wonder if the different colours have very different tastes! I'm not going to try them, before you ask!
10 Oct, 2022
Yes, it does make you think,why do they seem to prefer different ones? Similar to some people preferring Marmalede to Jam ? I'll just leave it there,Shirley ! ha ha.
10 Oct, 2022
:o)) x
11 Oct, 2022
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Thanks K, I used to have a red berried one and that was always the first to be chosen for the berries. Sadly, it is no more ... :o(
8 Oct, 2022