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Roystonea regia - Royal Palm

Roystonea regia - Royal Palm  (Roystonea regia (Royal Palm))

These palms were planted in 2019 and were quite small. They have good irrigation, so they’ve grown very fast. Probably 20 ft or more tall. Photo taken November 17, 2022. This is 3 of 6 palms

Comments on this photo


Goodness, that's some growth!

20 Nov, 2022


Yes, Royal palms grow fast here, but not as fast as in Hawaii or Florida.

22 Nov, 2022


There is one that size in San Jose as in( do you know the way...) the song. Other than that I havent seen any.They don't even sell them here.

23 Nov, 2022


Where is it?

29 Nov, 2022


Somebody who lived in San Jose posted a photo on the palm board two years ago. I saved the photo. It's about 15-18' tall at least back then. I don't remember if it was a google street photo or he took it.
I can post the photo.

30 Nov, 2022


I’d love to see it!

1 Dec, 2022


I'm sure he bought it at Home Depot when HD was selling really exotic plants in the early 2000's. Those days are gone..its all dry plants and mostly the same dry plants. To think 20 years ago I bought even exotic dry plants there. Now that nurseries are closing shop HD doesn't try. My editorial.

8 Dec, 2022


It’s too bad. HD really should sell them again. I’m sure there getting them from Florida. Although, Royal palms are field-grown here in San Diego. All the Royal palms for Crystal Plaza came from San Diego. There’s probably over a hundred planted there in Costa Mesa.

9 Dec, 2022

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