By A_jh
- 21 Jan, 2023
I love this plant and I love it because it reminds me of my nana! I remember her garden having an enormous one! (It was probably enormous because I was a child!) However, I 'always' have to have one in my garden! Mum had many! She had a third of an acre garden, so there was plenty of room for many! My mums goal was to grow a blue hydrangea, of course it all depends on what soil the plant grows in! In Staffordshire, hydrangeas grow and bloom pink flowers!
Here is the start of this seasons growth. The plant suffered a few years back as I followed Monty's advice and removed the old dry flowers too soon.... the late frosts shrivelled all the new growth, consequently, no flowers and small burnt leaves... Let's see how this years growth develops! ;)
Comments on this photo
Thank you for sharing your hydrangea story. It was heart warming to read π. My mum always said I had green fingers like my nana! I just keep mine well hydrated, especially in the summer and being in a pot! (Ideally I could do with repotting to a clay pot as it is sitting in a plastic looking one! It was mums, so I have loathed to do anything but babysit!) I had thought of a whiskey barrel in keeping with the herb and blueberry pots I have! Plenty of room for growth too!
Keep an eye on the one with no lifeβ¦. It may be slow to wake up! π€
25 Jan, 2023
Thank you, A_jh! I will take your advice and keep an eye on it, you never know, miracles happen.
Whisky barrel sounds a nice idea for yours, as you say, it'll look good with the others.
Thanks for your feedback π€
27 Jan, 2023
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This photo is of species Mophead hydrangeas.
This photo is of "Hydrangea" in A_jh's garden
I love them too! My maternal grandfather 'Papa' had a few, but my favourite was the huge blue mophead under the front window. Just beautiful!
I have his love of gardening, he grew just about everything. They lived in a semi, so had a front, back and side garden. All filled up with wonderful plants, greenhouses, and a massive shed at the very back.
I've only 2 hydrangea plants, Ajh, one is really looking poorly. I see no sign of life. It was a lovely colour too. I may have to replace it. I do think the drought and hot sunshine last year had a part to play. It's in a pretty good position..we shall see. Fingers crossed for both of us π€
22 Jan, 2023