A_jh's Profile

About me
2023_let’s get back to it! A lot has happened for all of us over the last few years! Sadly AJH has passed, so it’s up to my memory of him to keep going with my gardening enthusiasm.
2018-where have I been?
2013 - Renewed enthusiasm for home growing.
2011 – Growing fruit crops for Captains Den (www.captains-den.co.uk).
2010 - rebuilding my devotion to my garden & greenhouse.... and planning for next years crop!
2008 - A budding amateur gardener who finally bought a greenhouse!!...and loving it. (I felt like a 'kid with a new toy'). Now the hard work.... getting down to business! Boy gardening has been difficult with this English weather... but much improved since I have a warm place for my plants:-).
History - AJH is my father-in-laws initials, (JH are mine!) I dedicate this site to him. He has been my gardening inspiration, my guide and now my gaffer!! ;-)