Aloe marlothii.
By Stan510

12 Feb, 2023
My oldest Aloe.
Comments on this photo
Its got to be at least 18 years old...maybe early 20's. It was a wee plant in a 4" pot back then. It does have Kate,ferocious spiny leaves. I once tripped near the plant and by instinct reached out to catch my balance by grabbing the marlothii. It created many bloody marks. Never again!
16 Feb, 2023
Must be nice to have nurtured it - safely 😁 - over the years and see it grow! I appreciate the dangers. I had an aloe many moons ago, which sadly succumbed to a long snowy winter. It was a bluish grey beauty, but deadly to the touch!
17 Feb, 2023
I'm liking the whole collection here, Stan, nit just the aloe.
How old is it?
15 Feb, 2023