The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Red Plumeria

Red Plumeria  (Plumeria rubra (Atabaiba Rosada))

My very large red plumeria tree had its worse bloom since I’ve owned it (purchased in August of 2000). We had some very strange weather this year, coolest winter and spring in 51 years. My 15 ft tall by 24 ft wide red plumeria only had 5 flower spikes during summer, this flower spike is the 6th flower spike this year. Photo taken Nov. 14, 2023.

Comments on this photo


Your garden must be full of lovely colour, Delonix.

15 Nov, 2023


In my subtropical climate, there’s always plants and trees in bloom.

A lot of the tropical trees bloom during winter in San Diego. Hong Kong Orchid trees, Calliadra species, Erythrina species (coral trees) are a few examples.

15 Nov, 2023



Yes, it’s been in the ground since 2005. It is constantly growing into the house and every couple of years I cut large branches. The flowers are fragrant, but too high up to smell.

16 Nov, 2023


liking to show support... that's sad since you've always had a plumeria show for us. do you think this climate change will continue into next season..or is it a one-time thing? The moisture you've had this season shows in the abundance of bloom in your garden, ironic that your plumerias should be the exception. good vibes for next year.

12 Dec, 2023



The big plumeria trees around San Diego are still blooming like crazy right now. Which isn’t that common. It’s been unusually dry, and warm here. Lots of high temps 75 to 82 degrees f. and morning lows have mostly been in the mid-50’s for the last 6 weeks.

We’ll see what the very strong El Niño brings us, as far as rain this season. Virtually no rain this season so far.

13 Dec, 2023

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