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Fried Lychee Leaves😞

Fried Lychee Leaves😞 (Lychee chinensis)

My poor lychee tree got too dry and all the new leaves burned in the hot, dry weather we’ve been having. I’ve been babying this tree for the last two years and now it’s had a big setback. Photo taken December 17, 2023.

Comments on this photo


Such a shame when the weather plays havoc with plants.

19 Dec, 2023


Agreed. I bet with your TLC it will bounce back!

19 Dec, 2023


It should bounce back in February or March. We’re expecting some El Niño-type storms coming in on Thursday - Saturday. This should help all the plants.

19 Dec, 2023

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Pictures by Delonix1
6474 of 6671

What else?

This photo is of species Lychee chinensis.