me and my faverite dog merkin
By Noseypotter

21 Aug, 2008
she looks like a pit bull but isnt.she has the best nature of any dog ive had.blanche is the fiestiest dog and the smallest.i built my garden round the dogs and me and my fish.
Comments on this photo
Twins lol.
Gorgeous photo !
Lynne x
21 Aug, 2008
Aw, she loves her Dad !!
21 Aug, 2008
we are nearly twins apart from i growl more lol and she so loves her dad and its mutual
21 Aug, 2008
Yes , we can see that ,It,s a hard life for a spoilt dog lol
21 Aug, 2008
and why many dogs get treated badly and get bad press.all you got to do is sort the humans out and bad dogs wouldnt happen.i can trust every dog i ever had .i cant say that about people
21 Aug, 2008
Hey Hey Calm down that was a compliment ...
21 Aug, 2008
You've both got the same look in your eyes, "who's going to get tea ready?" lol!
21 Aug, 2008
i know lol
21 Aug, 2008
:D 1 fantastic relationship :)
21 Aug, 2008
as it goes this dog will go down in history she is lovley.i know she looks like a pit bull but she isnt.she does adore me.the fealings mutual/take care bye for now xx
21 Aug, 2008
I've known some pit bulls that were wonderful dogs; seems most of the problems come from the owners not being aware of the dogs ability to do damage with their locking jaws and "training" them to be agressive or letting them become a dominant dog out of lack of experience with the breed. Mind, there are some dogs that are born mentally defective and cannot be worked with, but they are few & far between and not breed specfic. Unfortunately ther are a lot of irresponsible humans out there...
10 Nov, 2008
more than id like to count people are always the week link
11 Nov, 2008
you have lovely dog and good art
13 Aug, 2009
i love my dogs and im passionate about my art
13 Aug, 2009
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Well, you have your priorities right, then!
21 Aug, 2008