By Mr_crocosmia
- 23 Aug, 2008
Comments on this photo
What a lovely boy. He looks very intelligent, but arent they naughty as puppies, more overtly playfull than naughty i suppose. Cheeky monkeys!!
Gorgeous. I could just run my fingers through that lovely hair near his collar where it is so soft on collies.
Lynne x
23 Aug, 2008
awww Maccy is lovley
23 Aug, 2008
Maccy is a gorgeous boy........... he was owned by a farmer who was going to kill him. He was treated so badly all his life that he still doesn't trust anyone at all much.
It is such a shame that some people with animals just don't have any emotions or feelings.
Maccy is safe now, but still has a few problems, and probably walways will have.
25 Aug, 2008
The punishment for people who offend agains animals could never be harsh enough in my opinion but they only ever seem to get fined!
Good on you for giving Maccy the love he deserves.
Lynne x
25 Aug, 2008
Normally not even a big fine either............. In my opinion they should be flogged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25 Aug, 2008
well Maccy is one of the lucky ones , now that he is living with you. still dont understand how anyone can treat an animal badly
25 Aug, 2008
Me too............... it upsets me when i see or hear of ill treated animals.
25 Aug, 2008
I agree with all of you, we unfortunately often see hungry cats and dogs roaming the streets and country lanes - people just dump them before they go on holiday. I have some photos of a dog we found last year and I could send one if you want just to give you an idea of how low man can stoop - it would break your hearts Luckily we managed to find him a home but I personally would inflict these culprits with exactly the same treatment they give these poor creatures - no water or food under the scorching sun for days and days on end ------ it really makes my blood boil
25 Aug, 2008
Nooooo please don't post pics............. I cannot stand to look at things like that. It makes me so darn mad!!!!!!!
We live in the country too and see cats and dogs roaming arounnd because people have dumped them.
Thats how i have come to have 3 cats.......
25 Aug, 2008
Here too, we have ended up with 5 cats for the same reason
25 Aug, 2008
I wish I could say things are different here, but just last week when I walked out the front door I was approached by a tiny little kitten someone had dumped. They seem to like our yard cause it is the last house before a wild undeveloped stretch and it happens probably once a year. Which is why I know where all the rescue shelters are. I took the cute little ginger and white kitten to the shelter, and a little girl about 6-7 wanted him before I even got out the door.
25 Aug, 2008
awwwwwwwwwww poor little kitten..........
yes we have a cat shelter near us, they are always full!!!!
so sad to see all these unwanted animals.......... but its good that there are people out there that care about them.
26 Aug, 2008
It's horrible thinking of any creature being harmed or neglected.
Border Collies such as Maccy are from the Pastoral Group ( in America this is called the Herding Group ) which contains breeds such as Rough Collies, Smooth Collies, and Shetland Sheepdogs.
These dogs are especially sensitive and intelligent and it's no wonder that Maccy still finds it difficult to trust people.
He's lucky to have found such a safe home with you. Did you have to guess at his age ? How old do you think he is?
26 Aug, 2008
Oh yes he is very very intelligent and sensitive........ I don't think he will ever trust anyone again. If a stranger calls he just cowers in the corner.
We took him to the vet to have him checked over and he said Maccy was about 7ish.
26 Aug, 2008
Your Truely A Beautiful Dog Maccy who now has a Loving Caring home ,Its great 2 know theres still so many caring animal loveing People in this cruel world :/
26 Aug, 2008
well said Jacque..........
28 Aug, 2008
Have u seen Pics of My Dog Summer MrC? Shes a RSPCA rescue :) Shes nearly9yrs now&i was told by Vet she`d b lucky2 see 6:( She was Pulled from a house fire &has Smoke Damaged Lungs which means she has a Permeant Cough & regularly gets ill from the Phlem she swallows :( Shes had 5/6 Lung Infections since iv had her & Luckly shes Pulled Though every time :)Her little friend a Terrier didnt make it being smaller the smoke Killed him :( Just want 2 say i wouldnt change a thing about Summer shes Fantastic & always here /there with me :)
28 Aug, 2008
awwwwwwwwwwww........ no i havent seen summer. I will have to have a looksie at your photos!
Sounds like she is having a wonderful life now and is being really well cared for.........
28 Aug, 2008
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Border Collie.
Is maccy good about not herding straight through your Border Crocosmias?
23 Aug, 2008