Hedgehog Graveyard and shrine
By Mr_crocosmia

28 Aug, 2008
Round the back of the Hedgehog rescue centre is a very small garveyard for all the little hedgehogs that didn't make it.... It made us both cry!!!!!!
Comments on this photo
Such a Lovely Reading & its made 2look very pretty with all those little coloured glass stones :)
28 Aug, 2008
I'd better move on to the next pic before I join you.
28 Aug, 2008
OH dear those last few lines make me feel quite ashamed - despite always welcome here.
29 Aug, 2008
How wonderful - the thought and effort gone into the hedgehog graveyard and inscription.
Thank goodness some folk love ALL creatures -
great AND small ~
'God bless all animals and make us as faithful as they'
6 Sep, 2008
Lovely little verse but oh so true
24 Jun, 2009
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That's so beautiful! Had me tearing up too!
28 Aug, 2008