IO Moth Caterpillar
By Diohio

29 Aug, 2008
This is the IO moth caterpillar. This caterpillar will eat Birches, clover, corn, elms, maples, oaks, willows, Redbud and many other plants. Beware of the sharp spines because they will sting you. A very pretty caterpillar to match a very pretty moth as an adult.
Comments on this photo
I feel your pain with the japaese beetles , friend ! All those spikes on his one reminds me of our saddleback caterpillar, I've already been stung by the darn things four times this year. ! I'll have to post a pic soon. At least this one turns into a lovely moth !
30 Aug, 2008
Four times Flcrazy !!! Wowee, you must have a lot of those little stingers ! Please post a pic ! I found a little one the other day on a milkweed leaf, of all places ! I think he must have gotten blown there or something. I plucked the leaf and was bringing it to the house to get a pic and he jumped off the leaf somewhere on the way (funny picture in my head of a slug caterpillar jumping.......hummmm). So I never got a pic of him. Now that it has rained (finally !! ) maybe I'll run into another one while I'm weeding. I hope I don't find him by getting stung though !
This is the time of year for finding lots of the stinging slug caterpillars, so gardeners be on the lookout. Thankfully most of them are in trees.
30 Aug, 2008
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21 Apr, 2008
LOL.......I have a big yard with BUNCHES of plants ! I garden mostly for wildlife so I can't get upset if things get eaten and look horrible because they're full of holes. And since I can't use pesticides you have to take the bad with the good. There's usually one kind of insect that helps control/eat another kind of insect though so things try to balance out, sometimes anyway.
I really wish something would come and eat all of these darned Japanese Beatles though !
29 Aug, 2008