By Irish

29 Aug, 2008
Comments on this photo
course i can jacque, no problem
29 Aug, 2008
AAAAAAAAaawwwwwwww Thanx Eileen X i should be going2town really but i want2stay here on GOY&look@pics as im goin2miss this Place&every1when im away4 2wks :(
29 Aug, 2008
lol go to twon jacque and then you can relax with a brew when you get home and have a look at the new photos
29 Aug, 2008
I should really ! iv got2pop nex door&cut there Bunnys nails 1st :) Then il go :) Hhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuu HATE SHOPPING :( see u l8r All X
29 Aug, 2008
see u later jacque, and i dont envy you going shopping, i only go when i really really have to
29 Aug, 2008
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21 Apr, 2008
Beautiful Eileen could u pop some seeds from this in with the Cosmos PLEASE ;) I luv its colour :)X Thanx
29 Aug, 2008