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this fuchsia was sold to me as lena but hywel has a pic of his lena which is very different, can anyone tell me which one is lena

2 Sep, 2008


We used to have Lena and I remember it having purple outer petals with a crimson skirt. Could be mistaken though it's a few years ago.

2 Sep, 2008


thanks janey sounds like hywell probably has the right plant

2 Sep, 2008


does anyone know this fuchsias name?

2 Sep, 2008


It isn't Lena. I've looked Lena up in my books to see if mine was wrongly labelled and it isn't . Sorry but I don't know what this one is. So many are very similar that it's dificult to tell sometimes.

3 Sep, 2008


thanks for looking. i have a few fuchsias that like this one came wrongly labled. tthese are from the big plant companies too, trouble is you dont know till they come into flower. i think they are a bit cynical and rather than lose an order they put in anything if they dont have the plant that was ordered

3 Sep, 2008


You didn't buy them from T&M did you? Other members have had trouble like yours.

3 Sep, 2008


no i bought them along with others from a dutch company along with other fuchsias. heard about trouble with t&m doing the same, thats why I think these companys are cynical about supplying the fuchsias. maybe they get them from the same source and are at the mercy of smaller companies. but they should have quality control in place.

3 Sep, 2008

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