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Here's the closeup of the black widow, MGM


By Tasteyg

Here's the closeup of the black widow, MGM

Comments on this photo


wow excellent photo

7 Sep, 2008


WOAH, you did get a better pic. wow. Yeah, look at that shiny little hourglass.

7 Sep, 2008


Was he in your garden? Scarey

7 Sep, 2008


Yikes... are Black Widows common where you are?!

7 Sep, 2008


These guys are hiding all over outside, in this area. Only found one in the house though, yikes!

7 Sep, 2008


it's odd though. Spiders don't scare me when I know what typr it was. Though, today I found a spider and it scared the hell out of me, I didn't know what it was, I never saw it before. I grabbed my camera (I don't go anywhere without it) and the batteries were dead. :-(

7 Sep, 2008


Thanks Irish :) Gotta keep some backups MGM. Rechargables are the way to go, for sure.

8 Sep, 2008


Send her to me please lol. Love this pic. Has she lost some legs and parts of others, or is that just the angle.

11 Sep, 2008


Any chance of sending me an egg case

11 Sep, 2008


Guybinn- No she intact, just the angle. You're not joking are you? I'm not sure that I'm brave enough to steal her egg case!!!

11 Sep, 2008


ACTUALLY, play close attention to her around high noon. She normally doesn't like to move around at the high times. You may be able to steal her egg case, if you can get with in a foot of it with out her noticing. LoL good Luck.

11 Sep, 2008


Excellent photo !!

13 Sep, 2008

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