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Prunus Incisa Kojo No Mai

Prunus Incisa Kojo No Mai

Comments on this photo


So delicate and beautiful.
A very pretty photo, Mr.c.
Well done.

13 Sep, 2008


Thank you........... it is such a beautiful shrub.

13 Sep, 2008


I have Prunus Okumiyako.
Do you know of that one?
Mine is young - quite a baby tree right now.

13 Sep, 2008


Nope, not heard of that one.............. this one is a baby too.

13 Sep, 2008


Look it up on internet Mr. c.
I think you'll love it.
I've grown it in several previous homes.
In spring I love to stand underneath the Okumiyako and look up at the blossoms.

13 Sep, 2008


I will have a look later and see what it is like......... I would imagine I will like it, but we don't have a lot of space.

13 Sep, 2008


well, I have had a look and cannot find anywhere that has a photo!!!! So I am still none the wiser.........

13 Sep, 2008


The label says it is ideal for small gardens.

13 Sep, 2008


I will see if I can find a pic somewhere............

13 Sep, 2008

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