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Harvey and Merlin


By Arlene

Harvey and Merlin

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What beautiful Boxers.
How old are they, Arlene?
They seem very well-behaved.

8 Sep, 2008


HIi Terratoonie
thanks for the reply.
I think that in this picture they had been down to the beach with my son and were having a rest.,Merlis very well behaved but Harvey can be a bit of a loose cannon!
Harvey in the foreground is nearly 18 months and Merlin will be 10 years old in February.
We got Merlin and Magnum (in my other photo of Three Cliffs Bay) in 1999 and they were from the same litter and completely inseperable.
They would even curl up in the same position.
In Oct 2007 Magnum developed a lump on his side and it was Cancer..We tried operation and a visit to a specialist but because he also his liver was affected and he was getting on they did not think it was worth having 2 further ops at £1500 each, we were not insured.
They gave him 2/3 months in Jan 2007 but I kept him going on Chicken breast,scrambled eggs and salmon until December-we spoiled him rotten!
Was the worst 12 months of my life spent trying to get him to eat.
Merlin and Harvey get on quite well but it is not the same for him poor boy.
However they both love their food and their walks to the beach.
Your collie looks gorgeous!

8 Sep, 2008


Thanks, Arlene,
'Conker' my Sheltie is lovely.

I understand what you mean about the worry over dogs having operations..
'Bonsai' the Welsh Terrier on my avatar, had life-saving surgery in spring of 2007. Amazingly he bounced back.
I treasure every day I have him.

8 Sep, 2008


those of us with aging dog companions can sympathize completely...Mandy will be eleven this coming November..she's getting old and her sight is affected...but I love her all the same and will spoil her for as long as she is given breath. Magnum is a wonderful name for a handsome boxer.

9 Sep, 2008


Thanks for those understanding words, Lori.
My 'Bonsai' will be 13 years old next month, and I really love him far too much.

9 Sep, 2008


Boxers are wonderful dogs, my Father adopted one when I was small. My Mother has a photo of Fritzel sitting pillion to pre-school me on my Father's motor-bike, both thoroughly thrilled to be allowed on it :-)
I also recall regularly seeing my Father disappear under 'dog' when she decided that she wanted to sit on his lap. She saw herself as the third sibling in the family, the baby but the biggest!
My best mate had a life-threatening operation three years ago and also survived. That's him in my avatar. All being well we shall celebrate his 17th birthday at the end of January. As time passes we are both getting crankier but dote on each-other.

13 Sep, 2008


have you got a pic?We have had boxers for 30 odd years now -my kids have grown up with them:our latest Harvey is bright as a button and very loving but they all have their own personalities.
I hope your best mate is fine now- it is not a good time when they're not well
nb when Andrew was very small about 18 months he would go downstairs during the night to play with his toys we would find him and the dog curled up together in the chair fast asleep in the morning!

13 Sep, 2008


For your dog to be in his 17th year is wonderful, Xela.
You're obviously doing something very right to keep him going so well.
I know what you mean about ageing along with your dog.
As the years go by, my pets seem to get loonier along with me. LOL

PS - Yes, a pic of the motorbike and dog?

13 Sep, 2008


I'll scan it when I next see my Mother.

14 Sep, 2008

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