By Arlene
- 13 Sep, 2008
Comments on this photo
Beautiful blue colours, graduating from pale to dark.
Good photo, Arlene.
13 Sep, 2008
didn't flower this year-none of them did-have about 5 in large pots including all black-not a Kiwi! all produced large leaves but no flowers-although did halve and repot one of them-will have to research that1
13 Sep, 2008
What a pity,
this is a beauty.
14 Sep, 2008
Probably from the split. I hear it take 2 years sometimes, to get blooms after splitting.
22 Sep, 2008
I planted over 50 this year and only got a few blooms, my first year trying...The blooms I did get were small. Yours are great.
3 Oct, 2008
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Lovely photo..! These Iries are a nice shade of blue.
13 Sep, 2008