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crescent from road

crescent from road

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With so much foliage, I guess there are lots of birds' nests.

17 Sep, 2008


Yes, Terratoonie, lots of birds. I was really sad when I had to clear very invasive ivy off the wall and lost a blackbird's. This year I watched a wren build in the ivy, but unfortunately 'the wife' didn't choose it!

17 Sep, 2008


It probably had the wrong colour curtains!

17 Sep, 2008


A very attractive terrace. How old are the houses?

17 Sep, 2008


Andrewr ~ I reckon the wren didn't have a Harley.
Wrong set of wheels to impress 'the wife' :o)

17 Sep, 2008


terrace is 1850s.
I didn't realise wrens built several nests, and was really excited when I saw it at work, then everything went quiet, although only in one sense, as the wrens shout at me in the early morning all through the spring.

18 Sep, 2008


I love this truly shows me the "terrace" concept you explained to me...

16 Oct, 2008

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