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Marj's goosegogs

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Are they sweet? They look similar to grapes.

19 Sep, 2008


haven't seen gooseberries in years!looks delicious but nothing like grapes!

20 Sep, 2008


Gooseberries grow on low bushes, often very prickly. The fruit can be tart, esp the green varieties, but these are really sweet.

20 Sep, 2008


whenever we are at Kew I always buy loads of their lovely jam.Just opened a new jar labelled Careless-Gooseberry and Sloe gin extra jam so I have been having gooseberries without realising!.I will have to look into buying some fruit bushes....

22 Sep, 2008


Lovely photo - makes me feel homesick. Really miss gooseberries!

2 Oct, 2008


I have never seen these before...

16 Oct, 2008


Hi Skippy
~According to an online blurb they say Gooseberries are regarded as a quintessentially British fruit but we didn't actually have them here until the 13th Century from Europe-apparently can be grown right up to the Arctic Circle~got some recipes on UKTV FOOD which sound lovely~I may very well look into getting some bushes next year,also some blackcurrants.
I remember as a kid picking all kinds of fruit from my aunties garden for pies!~

16 Oct, 2008

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