By Jacque

22 Sep, 2008
Comments on this photo
Thanx :) This is the Barn Owl Janey :)
22 Sep, 2008
Great set of owl photos Jacque
22 Sep, 2008
Glad uv enjoyed them Janette :)
22 Sep, 2008
Some great pics throughout Jacque lovely birds.
22 Sep, 2008
Thanx Bonkers i just cant believe i have the Pleasure of their Hooting in my own Garden :) How great is that :)
22 Sep, 2008
Wow jacque, he was in your garden!!
22 Sep, 2008
No Dee lol i wish :D i saw all these lovely Owls@a Motor bike show i went2with my fella&Summer Dog came2 :)
22 Sep, 2008
Its a beautiful sound Jacque but a bit scary for you? Remember how you felt about trees you wouldnt like it here at night.Like Hammer house of Horrors old church hooting owls , bats rustling trees ....
22 Sep, 2008
Ahhhhh, The pennys dropped, theres a bloke living across the road with 2 of them, hes let them out a couple of times and the sheer size of them scared the bejeezes out of me LoL, and all the wild birds scarper quick... They really are Beautifull..
22 Sep, 2008
uv a great memory Bonkers i do have a fear of trees @nite its true lol :/ & i used to cover my ears when the music 2 hammer house horros came on tv :/
22 Sep, 2008
Lucky you got Phil bet the poor fella gets all the nice jobs !
22 Sep, 2008
Well i do my best Bonkers ;) lol :)
22 Sep, 2008
I m sure you do . Your gardens evidence of that.x
22 Sep, 2008
2 be honest Bonkers Phils helped lots in the garden,Built my Arch/bird Table on apple tree,Put up green house ,Dug Pond Hole, i just do the Boarder digging/making/planting&growing the flowers ect :)
22 Sep, 2008
beautiful :0
25 Sep, 2008
Can Phil come here says Jane and put right the things I ve done !
25 Sep, 2008
LOL i dont believe u Bonkers lol :D
26 Sep, 2008
There you go again Jacque always so kind . Perhaps I should post some neglected bits and see if you still agree.
26 Sep, 2008
Im sure i would still agree Bonkers lol ; )
26 Sep, 2008
As I said Jacque - youre very lucky to have Phil , believe me.
26 Sep, 2008
my fav owl, nice pic hun
27 Sep, 2008
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Just look at that gorgeous creature! Great photo Jacque.
22 Sep, 2008