The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Flower painted Toll Ware


By Janey

Flower painted Toll Ware

In the Winter months, One of my hobbies is painting enamel-ware. This is an old
water jug, we used to use to water our geese years ago and I got fed up with the plain white it was.

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Do you plan to use it or dispaly at this point?

26 Sep, 2008


I've had them a while now, Skippy and this one holds cream silk lilies by my fireplace.

26 Sep, 2008


This is so pretty Janey I wish I was that talented

26 Sep, 2008


It's very well done Janey.

26 Sep, 2008


Aw.... pleased you like them.

27 Sep, 2008


Janey.....I do admire your skills..... Decorative folk art or country painting is something I’d love to be able to do. I first became fascinated with this style of painting after seeing it on items of furniture in Austria/Switzerland (mostly roses).

I bought a couple of books on this technique written by Emma Hunk and Sybil Edwards (you may have heard of them)...... and had a go. I managed to achieve a few simple motifs on plant pots but that’s all..... the idea was to decorate papier mache objects I’d made, but I never felt good enough, so I used decoupage instead. Is this self taught? I guess you are a very arty person anyway. Maybe I should give it another go during the winter months. Marion

28 Sep, 2008


Hi Marion, yes I had the book by Sybil Edwards teaching you which brushes etc to use, then did a course at the local tech on art and decorative techniques, so learnt how to draw and finish designs, it was great at the time.......your decoupage sounds really interesting are you going to show us some pics?... I tried this only once, with a little chest, it holds candles now......I'll put my pic on ....if you put yours on!!!lol :o)

28 Sep, 2008


Hi Janey....

I’ll have to dig some pictures out of my decoupage work... I know I downloaded them onto disc from my old computer about three years ago..... I’ve given most of the items away as gifts, but I do have a letter rack in the office here..... its stuffed with papers at the moment, so I’ll give it a dust off and a bit of a tidy up and take a picture. A few years ago, when I was really into papier mache, I gave instruction classes for youth clubs and at a local craft club, but there was so much prep work at home before hand.... very messy, particularly as I made a lot of things with paper pulp.... all that boiling up of paper, mixing pva etc!!! I got fed up with having a very sticky kitchen.

You are lucky to have had the opportunity of classes at a local tech..... I would dearly love to have such facilities available, but nothing like that in rural Wales unfortunately...... beautiful scenery tho’.

I was interested to read the information you left for Lori. How about a picture of the fireplace you’ve painted..... I can well imagine its gorgeous. Enjoy your day. Marion

28 Sep, 2008


Janey you are very clever , this is beautiful ,

30 Sep, 2008


Aw....thanks Amy glad you like it.......hope you had a good holiday X

30 Sep, 2008


Friends of mine have a narrow boat and they love this! You could earn loads selling to the canal boat folk.. you have lots of talent! Don't waste another moment!

4 Oct, 2008


Hi Sal, welcome to GOY! Thanks for your lovely comments!

5 Oct, 2008


Nice pieces Janey :)

6 Oct, 2008

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