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Marksbeginia's Whispers

Marksbeginia's Whispers

Re edited on Paintshop pro x2

Comments on this photo


This looks much better. I don't understand how you did it, i know pictures can be improved, but i've no idea of the process. My picture had the light from the cameras flash reflecting off the blooms, you could tell what it was, just. Brilliant picture, now, you can make out the petals on the bloom, i'm amazed at the difference.

1 Oct, 2008


Thanks for all that said they liked this but the honour should go to Mark - I just ran it thru my photo software..

Just for info Mark, the cellophane wrappers round Mintoes is excellent for a stand by diffuser especially if you screw it up a bit then it won't be so harsh;-)

Nick T

3 Oct, 2008

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