if you liked them colours youl love these
By Noseypotter

1 Oct, 2008
some more autumn leaves of my grape vine
Comments on this photo
yes it does it goes all the way round my garden.it grows 90` believe it or not one of my faves.i baught it from swallow aquatics for about £7
1 Oct, 2008
its ornimental though you get little grapes .the leaves get up to a foot across
1 Oct, 2008
Would you believe that we have recently taken one of these out , I bought it for the colour but it was quite literally taking over ,growing over everything in sight it was a monster , it did have lots of bunches of little grapes we use to give them to a friend for making his homemade wine in return for a bottle of cause.
1 Oct, 2008
yes it is easy to hack back though every year but it sounds like the one lol
1 Oct, 2008
Sounds lovely :)Just what i need in my Wild Nettle Area 4 the Caterpillars2chomp on :)
1 Oct, 2008
they would love it
2 Oct, 2008
Colour my world! They are wonderful. I should try them here Vitis cognetia or close to that.
17 Dec, 2008
ornimentle grape vine is all i know one of my faves
17 Dec, 2008
I want them here in my garden there is still one wee area where the neighbours can see us in our birthday suits.
17 Dec, 2008
you can keep ya hands of mine lol
17 Dec, 2008
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Does your Vine grow outdoors NP? id luv2grow something with all these Fantastic Autumn Colours :)
1 Oct, 2008