Syzygium cumini - Java Plum
By Delonix1
- 6 Oct, 2008
This is Java Plum which is common and grows to a massive tree.
This is a beautiful tropical tree from Malaysia and produces thousands of fruit on a small tree and possible many hundreds of thousands of fruits on a large tree. The trees' leaves resemble a Ficus tree. They grow extremely fast to around 50 to 70 feet tall. I once had many of these trees and had to give them all away because they grew too large.
The tree to the left is a mango tree.
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This plant is growing through the large monkey enclosure at the San Diego Zoo.
12 Oct, 2008
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Note: because it produces so many has a tendency to become a weed tree in wet and even drier areas. I have seen many seedlings under large trees.
6 Oct, 2008