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I've decided that my little fountain should, in summer, be surrounded with black and purple plants. I can't put the colocasia black magic in there at this time of year, too tender, but the grass, Ophiopon planiscapus niger (the blackest foliage I have ever seen) and the black heuchera are as safe as houses. The persicaria red dragon which has the right ambience is far too big for a small water feature but I wondered if anyone had any thoughts for other dark foliage plants for next year when the project (semi rockery) gets underway.

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Hello Sarra :
Have you considered Saxifraga Fortunei Black Ruby ?
I have this, but nearly lost it due to slug attacks. Impossible to control slugs and snails in my gardens because the neighbours seem to breed them. :o(

Anyway, I dug it up and put it back in a pot away from predators, and it is now starting to look good again. :o)

If you could maybe Google this plant and report back here, where you think I could plant it away from slugs etc,. this would be appreciated. Thanks.:o)

11 Oct, 2008


Thanks TT I hadn't even thought of this one. it looks ideal. And whilst having a look at it I spotted S. rubrifolia as well. Although the leaves are technically green on that they are an exceptionally dark green. So I think it's a visit to the bank manager to see if I can afford one of each. LoL.

11 Oct, 2008


Where would you plant your Black Ruby to avoid slugs?

11 Oct, 2008


Right behind a ruddy great beer trap. Slugs prefer beer to plants. Of course so do I.

11 Oct, 2008


I wouldn't know about that.
I'm TT. :o)

11 Oct, 2008


In that case you won't mind using good beer on slugs. It's clean, it's organic and it works. Also the slugs die happy.

11 Oct, 2008


I was given a quart bottle of beer straight from the barrel last month, but somhow it never reached the Slugs.I love the Ophiopogon and its green sousin old MONDO GRASS.

12 Oct, 2008


How about Ajuga 'Catlin's Giant'? Its leaves are pretty dark and it has dark blue flowers - not quite purple, I know - but a possibility?

15 Oct, 2008


The BBC page says that Ajuga looks good with Heuchera 'Chocolate Ruffles' which I think is what my 'black' Heuchera is. And as I can get some seed from the States (always my preferred method of growing plants) I will give it a try. Thanks Spritzhenry.


16 Oct, 2008


You might want to try Viola, ‘Bowls Black’ ,or ornamental peppers called 'black pearl' and 'explosive ember'.There is also a pretty dark purple plant called Oxalis regnellii 'triangularis'. I have explosive ember seeds if you would like some, I also have perilla frutescens seeds(a chinese herb). But I must warn you, perilla is very invasive if you let it go to seed, but the leaves are very dark and beautiful. I'll send you some of them too if you promise not to cuss me for the next 5 years, if you let them go to I also have some tricolor ornamental pepper seeds that really look great planted with black foliage plants. There are also some very pretty coleus with black in them you might like to consider. My favorite is called 'fishnet stocking',another is 'black magic'. Hope this gives you a few more options. If you'd like some of the pepper seed or crazy enough to want some perilla seeds just let me know. If you look through my pics you'll see I'm that crazy .. I love it !

10 Dec, 2008


Thanks Flcrazy. I am PMing you.


11 Dec, 2008

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