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Dizygotheca elegantissima - False Aralia

Dizygotheca elegantissima - False Aralia (Dizygotheca elegantissima - False Aralia)

These are easy fast growing trees. In temperate areas they are sold as house plants.

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Thats like mine. The dont branch much..but I have seen old ones in soucal photos that had a few curvy branches.
After 8,9,10 years or so..mine are three single trunks..they did bloom though.

10 Sep, 2016



For some reason I just saw this comment, only 7 years later. 😂

I remember one monster plant in San Jose, it was multi-trunked and very wide. I think it was badly damaged in 1990 freeze. It is the largest plant I’ve ever seen, even bigger than any large ones here in SD.

21 Jan, 2023


I once googled around Los Angeles and a biggie was fronting an apartment. It had a few but heavy branches. You wouldn't think or guess they could get that large since all others have been smaller than mine that I've spotted.
This year hasn't been so much cold damage as the combo of cool and constantly saturated soils even potted plants.
btw,My Pluranda as its now called is about 12-14' tall. Heavy fertilizing is needed to keep it in good color.

21 Jan, 2023


I see large ones growing around SD. They’re not as common as years ago, though.

What’s a Pluranda?

It’s really nice to not have to water every day. The ground is moist, but not soggy. More rain here next Monday. But, in the meantime the highs will be in the upper 60’s tolow 70’s through Saturday.

24 Jan, 2023


That's not Schefflera anymore,its Pluranda. Botanists always changing names..
The door opens again Saturday here they say. At least this week is mild. We might reach 64/65 in the next day or two.

Andy, I saw a vid from San Diego where a guy had growing OUTDOORS!, a Theobroma aka Chocolate tree. It had two pods on it. I would have said no chance and-been very wrong.

24 Jan, 2023


Do you mean: Heptapleurum? There’s nothing on the internet for Pluranda.

I was shocked to see people growing them in Orange County. People are buying and planting big 8 ft plus tall Theobroma cacao trees. Many nurseries, like Mimosa Nursery are bringing in very big T. cacao from Florida.

I tried a small 1 ft tall Theobroma cacao years ago and it died in winter. I’m sure the secret is warm microclimate and a much larger tree.

25 Jan, 2023


The Theobroma I saw was in a veranda covered in three sides. Plus, up against the windows of a house. Still,kind of shocking since i would have thought they were as tender as Breadfruit or Red Lipstick palms..the ultra tender zone 13 type plants.

25 Jan, 2023


People are really getting into tropical food forest here. It’s pretty amazing! I was so surprised seeing T. cacao for sale for outdoor use. I don’t think it’s long-term survival is good, even in San Diego, L.A. and Orange Counties zone 11 (areas of this zone)

I will look up Pleranda.

25 Jan, 2023

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This photo is of species Dizygotheca elegantissima - False Aralia.

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