The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Tina2


This is a photo of our elderly dog Tina taken just before we had to let her go over the Rainbow Bridge.

We rescued her as a four month old pup when the family who had bought her from a pet shop no longer wanted her as they said she destroyed the house and was going to have her destroyed.
We took her on and she had almost fifteen years of wonderful life with us and we with her.

R.I.P. little Teeny Weeny

Comments on this photo


What a beautiful rescue story and wonderful dog.
Tina looks very sweet indeed.
So glad to know you had almost 15 happy years together. :o)

19 Oct, 2008


I'm sorry she's gone but she must have had a good life with you.

19 Oct, 2008


im glad the other family didnt keep her Tina and that she ended up having a great life with you .

19 Oct, 2008


We are glad as well that she found us.The family thta owned her had a three year old and another on the way,they got Tina with the thought that the toddler,baby and pup could all grow up together,but once baby arrived they hadn't got time for Tina so chucked her out in a back hallway and then moaned because she ripped the wallpaper and plaster off of the walls and ate it, lol.We went to see the new baby with a card and prezzie and the following week after much thought went back to get the pup.

My hubby had never had a dog and she was completly unhouse trained and terrified of everything because she had only been outside the house twice in that four months of her life,so we had to start from scratch.We gradually got her round but she hated the thought that we might go for a walk and leave her,so she used to cry like a wolf.We can laugh at it now looking back,but at the time it was a bit embarrasing.

I think we both cried more at losing the dog than we did when our parents passed away.Anyway,glad you like her.....

20 Oct, 2008


Adorable story! Tears up, but... she was happy with you, accomplished her life duty to bring you happiness... so.. cheers Tina!

24 Oct, 2008


Many people spend much more time with a pet than with human family members.

Some folk have no close relatives,
so the pets are their total family.

It's no wonder we get very attached to our dogs, cats, budgies, parrots, and that we cry so much when we eventually lose them.

You gave Tina a wonderful life. :o)

24 Oct, 2008


What a wonderful story...
Your little girl was beautiful.

1 Nov, 2008


Thank You all for your kind words.I don't know about you all but I think we get an awful lot of unconditional love from our pets,and lets face it,it doesn't matter how sad we feel after a bad day they are always there with a wet nose and tongue,and a wag of the tail to let us know they are there for us and even those of the feathered variety show their affection in their own way...

2 Nov, 2008

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