the effects of the first killing frost, Oct.18, 08
By Lori

19 Oct, 2008
the castor bean has succumbed...poor thing.
Comments on this photo
We've had minus temps for the last two nights, Arlene. I just took Mandy for her walkies and my fingers can hardly move to type...It's supposed to dip to -5 degrees C. tonight....I hope it warms up reasonably tomorrow because I have a lot of digging to do...!
19 Oct, 2008
~ hoping it's a while before we get there Lori-hope it warms up for you!
19 Oct, 2008
The bean tree met its match. Sorry to hear that the time has come there. I hope things warm up for the finals for you as well. :-)
20 Oct, 2008
Sorry to hear you get such early frosts Lori.
20 Oct, 2008
My goodness what a different look from your last Castor Bean photo Lori Looks like your winter is now with you ,we are having heavy gales at the moment,but thankfully no frost yet
20 Oct, 2008
Seems that now, since the first serious frost sounds the call, all the plants are shutting down...dormancy is welcome after a long growing season. So how can I be sad? It's great to see the cycle repeating...even if we have had some strange and unseasonable weather...nature is moving on and shortly (like tonight) they are calling for the first snow! It's raining at present and will for the rest of the day...but tonight when the mercury dips....SNOW!!
21 Oct, 2008
~Have you had snow yet?doesn't it warm up slightly underneath-would that help your bean tree?~
We had a bit of sunshine today but was raining again just now!
Went into the woods with the dogs this morning and it's thick with leaves from the Beech trees and squelchy so you have to be very careful even in Wellies!
Harvey found one black ladies shoe with quite a high thick heel which I know wasn't there yesterday!
Feeling sorry for Cinderella who ever she is!Believe me it was too cold and wet to be out there last night! Had to prevent Harvey from bringing it home-was having a great time with it!~
21 Oct, 2008
Oh dear...perhaps another dog lost his chew toy!! Yes it's called heat of fusion, that is sometimes used to save citrus crops from frost...but I'm afraid no such reprieve is due for the is done. Now tell me Arlene, are you thinking like Miss Marple?
22 Oct, 2008
~hope there are no bodies in my wood Lori!That's too much excitement!
funny thing seemed to be in quite good condition-not chewed-but not there this morning!
~Earlier on in the year there were signs of a bonfire and cans when it was warm and dry and my husband thought local kids were responsible but it's a different ball game out there at the moment-blowing a gale and pouring!
Very frustrating when you want to get out to do things in the garden!
Are you still working or a lady of leisure?This is my second week at home with this biological warfare called flu which is not going away.
I only work part time now but could get to feel really "cabin crazy" if I was unable to get out!
23 Oct, 2008
When my kids were younger they used to go to "bush parties" ...just a place away from civilisation where they could light a fire and drink underage! of course we didn't know that at the time...
.Ah...hahaha I've been diagnosed! Good warfare? sounds like the bug that's been taking a run at all and sundry over here...
Alas I am a lady of leisure....I'm just responsible for the laundry, vacuuming, dusting,floor and rug cleaning, dog grooming, window washing, leaf raking, garden digging, plant storing, tree pruning, pond cleaning, rabbit grooming, gecko cage cleaning, bird education (Yoshi want a cracker?), curtain making, hardwood floor laying, brick patio engineer.... yep! definitely a lady of leisure!! I have so much to do that I'll be working the day I die! LOL.
24 Oct, 2008
~so what do you do in your spare time?~
~I am thinking about having a maple floor in the lounge /dining room but not sure if It will be too light (and will show marks from the dogs),although that would be a good thing in some respects as we face north south and it's quite dark at the front in the morning?
Do you have maple and don't tell me you did yourself!!!?~
24 Oct, 2008
LOL... don't be surprised if she tells you she did Arlene, this woman is amazing to say the least.
1 Nov, 2008
Good Grief, Jerrie! I'll have such a swelled head...LOL!!!
Sorry for the delay in reply, Arlene...umm....spare time... I sleep! and if I want to do anything else I lose sleep to do it! Naaaa...I'm kidding. I have a 13 x 13 ft. livingroom(lounge) that I have to do this winter in hardwood, going to buy a kit from Home Depot..hubby bought me a table saw, so I'm cookin' ... I've put ceramic in my vestibule, kitchen and two bathrooms.... hardwood parquetry in a bedroom, hallway, dining room and a niche in the family room. have another bedroom to do and the livingroom...then I get to start painting!
1 Nov, 2008
Lol....What did I tell you Arlene....! Do I know this woman or not !!
2 Nov, 2008
Uh oh! was it the mug shot?
3 Nov, 2008
~i'll have a mountain scene Lori! turquoise lake etc!
~Seriously you are putting me to shame-which hardwood are you going to use in the livingroom?-this is what I want to do but I really fancy a light maple-worrying about the dogs claws,but have a beautiful teal coloured rug to put down so that will help
Husband would prefer to have ceramic tiles but too cold
We already have one of the lounge walls about 21 feet done in timber~ pine which has gone a deep gold since we put it up centuries ago~ and I want something to complement but lighter maybe birch?.
3 Nov, 2008
If you have dogs you'll want something that doesn't mark easily...definitely hardwood. I'm with you here. I'm looking at a "green" solution...engineered hardwood. It's constructed to fit together without nails or brads etc... in a colour called "Maple Silk" very, very tough and guaranteed for a lifetime...(not sure whose? ...but good sales patter, LOL!) There are so many engineered hardwood flooring systems available these days, Arlene, that most are guaranteed for years not to mar of mark... as far as colour goes...birch is very light...the challenge for you may be finding a flooring of the right colour...the deep gold of aged pine is hard to duplicate or replicate....the birch sounds like a wonderful's light colour will definitely brighten a room. Sounds like you have some shopping to do... check out colour samples carefully and view them in the room where the flooring will be laid...colours change under different at home you have natural and the store or warehouse it is most likely fluorescent.. maybe find a merchant who does in home sales. Have fun!!
3 Nov, 2008
~ thanks Lori!
Need about 33 sq metres so looking for someone with sale going on~watch this space!
3 Nov, 2008
Will do... happy hunting!
3 Nov, 2008
~ so sorry Lori!
how cold has it been?
19 Oct, 2008