The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Planting up primrose "Emily"


By David

Planting up primrose "Emily"

Comments on this photo


It's wonderful to see you're introducing your children to the world of gardening.
Dek and I try to get the local schoolchildren interested by providing the school with young plants to grow on and then enter into our horticultural shows. If parents aren't gardeners then it is up to teachers to try and stir an interest in the children. Unfortunately, though there are some really keen teachers, it can be difficult to get schools to participate and maintain that level of participation. Keep up the good work.

24 Jan, 2008


Thank you, Lin, for your kind comment. Our children love gardening and being out there. Our daughter keeps asking if she can sow seeds. In early December she filled a small pot with compost, ate an apple and planted the pips. Lo and behold, 3 have germinated! They also really enjoy growing and eating their own veggies and so I get to make full use of my favourite pastimes - gardening and cooking! I got my son's class involved with growing and planting in our garden last summer. I was impressed with just how much they knew and their planting technique. They have just begun the Eco Schools programme, which should be good fun. Keep up your good work, too, you are an inspiration to us all.

24 Jan, 2008


It's great to see the schools involved in these kinds of projects. Our village school (ages 2 1/2 - 6) were given a small allotment plot. With a little input from parents and older siblings the plot was dug over, split into 4 beds and fed. The little ones then cracked on with it.
They won second place in an interdepartmental competition (similar to county level) last year which only served to increase their desire to do well.
We have always encouraged the kids into the garden but it was this school garden that really inspired them.
Keep up the hard work guys - these are the gardeners of the future

25 Jan, 2008


Theres nothing better than getting the ickle gardeners of the future excited and motivated about gardening! I used to be the Deputy in a Nursery School and was forever planting seeds, gardening and taking in my incubator to hatch out the chicks! It really needs enthusiastic people (like urself!) to get involved with schools as these practical lessons are so beneficial to all! Well done!!

7 Apr, 2008


Thank you very much, Ickle! I envy you your current project - hard work, but very satisfying - and all your own!! Well done to you, too!

8 Apr, 2008


aww thanks! :) xx

8 Apr, 2008

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