By Majeekahead

20 Oct, 2008
Comments on this photo
Your roses are doing well. Mine havn't had any late flowers this year.
20 Oct, 2008
thank you, and yes i have had loads of late flowers, and some still have bud too, mind you they were late starting as they are mostly new in this year, so they seem to be catching up! lol
21 Oct, 2008
This looks Healthy ! My own roses have suffered with Black spot&mould again this year :( Im thinking of giving up on growing roses all together Ang ,
27 Oct, 2008
Oh Jac please don't do that, they are extra work but i don't think you can beat a rose. it has been a bad year for rose troubles, i have had plenty myself, but i have just kept picking over, feeding and spraying and they have rewarded me well. if you want any tips on growing them feel free to ask, it is only my second year growing them myself, but i have read up quite a lot and put into practice this year, they really are worth the extra effort, every garden should have at least one. i think i have 15, on my last count, and i really can't imagine having a garden without them now.
27 Oct, 2008
Your right Ang Roses are Beautiful but when i see them looking so Unhealthy&Sad it breaks my Heart :( Iv tried Spray &Cutting out infected parts but still No Joy :( il give next year 1more try but if no good il be Giving them away 2 any Wanting GOY Members,Iv been Given a Lovely "Climbing Dawn Rose" By Hywel & want so much 4it 2do well il be so upset if that2 becomes poorly? Fingers crossed Hey :D
27 Oct, 2008
ok, what about your soil? how good is it? and how deep is your rose planted? it may be an idea to replant it, taking extra care when preparing your soil, this will give you a good start and this is the perfect time of year for doing it. they need full sun and good air circulation around the base of the plant, so don't plant anything too close to it, Lavender is a good option for the base of a rose, but again not too close, you don't want it competing with anything. the soil needs to be well dug over using plenty of organic matter, sprinkle in some rose root feed,- you can buy it off the David Austin web site. and then it has to be planted deep. you know the knobbley bit on the bottom that the main shoots come from, that wants to be approx 3" underground, a common problem with roses is that people plant so that this is above soil level, because that is how they come in the pot, but when in the ground it needs to be underground, and it is important to heel in while you back fill, so there are no air pockets around the roots, then you water in, it is best to make like a doughnut shape around the roots with soil, - like a moat to keep the water draining down to the roots and not running away, keep well watered. as soon as new shoots appear in spring, start spraying, as you have had black spot this year, it is a mistake to wait until it is on the leaves, get it early, even if the leave come through clean, still spray with rose clear every 2-3 weeks from spring onwards. if you do get any black spot remove all effected leaves straight away and burn them dont compost them. and feed every two to three weeks throughout the summer, and as flowers fade, dead head them just underneath the head. follow this and i promis your roses will be just as good, if not better than mine!
27 Oct, 2008
This is a lovely rose Angie. Do you know what it is?
Don't give up on the roses Jacque. They are too beautiful not to have some. I don't know which varieties you have but if those aren't working for you have a look for varieties which are less suceptible to black spot and mildew. This site has information on 100's of varieties of roses including disease suceptibility.....
I usually spray with a baking soda spray as a fungicide all spring and summer about every 2 weeks. Mind you, because it's dry here black spot is not a huge problem. It will also help to spray with a dormant oil spray in the early spring before the roses are really awake.
Roses also love bananas. When you plant a rose, throw a banana peel into the hole when you back fill. They also love alfalfa. If you can get some rabbit pellets you can either scratch them into the soil around your roses or put a couple of handfuls in a bucket of water, leave them to soak overnight and then use that to water your plants.
21 Nov, 2008
Sorry Gilli missed this one, it is called 'Compassion' - beautifully scented climber, really strong flowers last ages, and they are big and blousey. - and banna peel well i never knew that, having said that i do put quite a lot of banna skins in my composter and the roses do seem to love my home made compost, so i guess that would make sense.
23 Nov, 2008
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This photo is of "Rose 'Compassion' (climbing)" in Majeekahead's garden
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20 Oct, 2008