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Riding School, on the way back to the stables, thats my daughter Sarah on the horse (the one who took some of my photos)

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Is the horse hers?....what is the breed?....Looks very calm, head low. How old is your daughter? Is she learning to do jumping?

22 Oct, 2008


oh crumbs Catfinch i have no idea on horses breeds sorry, its not hers this was when she was having riding lessons at Normanby Hall, she moved last year to Laughton, Sarah is 14 and loves it she can only go once a fortnight as its expensive but she's out there come rain or shine! comes home filthy but happy LOL!

23 Oct, 2008


Oh...she is at such a perfect age for riding!...I am glad she gets to take lessons and enjoy them...I get so much good energy and comfort from my Fellow Flash.

23 Oct, 2008


I learnt to ride on a pony that looked so much like that one, Sewingkilla! She was a right old curmudgeon, but much loved. She was black just like this one with a white face and great feathery feet and a really long mane and tail - just like this one! And my name is Sarah too and I started riding when I was 14! I think she was a fells pony, but not sure, which might be what this one is. Oh, happy memories!

11 Nov, 2008


Haha, I think he was a gypsy vanner cross cobby something xD He was called Barney. I'm honestly a lot better at riding than when that picture was taken, I look like a sack of potatoes there xDD

15 Nov, 2008


Hi Supersnuffy / Sarah! Good to hear from you! Barney looks the best sort for learning on. you don't look too bad on him - just looking around at the view! But your legs look to be in a good position - plenty low down and back. I'm so envious of your riding lessons - I really miss riding, but I just don't have the time or the spare cash these days :-( But I love seeing pictures of folk's horses on here and could talk about horses and riding for hours!
Happy riding! Sarah.

16 Nov, 2008


Sid-I meant to ride my Flash yesterday but there was large machinery running clearing paddocks out and he was a bit over just worked him in his round pen and took him into the field for some grass munching and working on line there too..he is young, only a 3 and a half year old so is a bit skittery. I have been working on his training but takes some time to get him to calm down enough to ride and it gets dark far to early when I only have 3 hours after work to deal with him and his grooming and stall cleaning etc. I love working with him in anyway...riding is just the icing on the cake. He is a sweet horse to snuggle and hug and touch noses with, even if he gets upset over giant machinery moving into his paddock...~Cat

16 Nov, 2008


I can't say I blame him! THink I'd be upset if horrid noisy machinary suddenly took over my nice peaceful paddock!

16 Nov, 2008


I took him out before it came in to his but it had been working in the next door paddock before I got he was already on the upset side of horse life....poor love.

16 Nov, 2008


Bless him, Barney had a terrible saddle. In that lesson I ended up on his side because the girth was so rubbish xD He was a good horse though, he didn't try to run off with me and went at the right pace xD

16 Nov, 2008


Sounds like Barney is a good old poor thing having your saddle come loose on you...I have a nice old westeren style leather saddle with a nice saddle horn to hang on to if Flash starts to run off...he still spooks and getting hold of the saddle horn and reins to do an emergency stop can be tricky...I have been tossed off twice because I was not holding on to the horn when I pulled the rein for the emergency stop. Have practised that move over and over again and Flash and I are both doing much better with it now....I believe in the quote..."The only thing hard about riding a horse is the ground!"

16 Nov, 2008


Ha ha - there's also a saying, "Dangerous at both ends and uncomfortable in the middle!" Hope you didn't hurt yourself :-) The horn on a western saddle must be really useful for holding onto! And they look so cumfy! Can understand why the cowboys like them, being in the saddle of hours and hours. Everyone uses the English style saddles over here of course - not a lot to hold onto! I must admit tho I've yet to fall off a horse - think it's because my instructor (loud-hailer on legs - you probably know the type) was big on teaching people to ride without stirrups - including jumping. As a result, I'm very secure in teh saddle coz I get my legs down really low. There will be a first time of course.........oh dear.

19 Nov, 2008


Very strong leg muscles there..that is what English style riders tend to develope...I think my friend was right when he tried to talk me into an old plug instead of Flash...but I loved him and wanted him so he and I are learning a few things together...I still would not trade him for an old plug..he is a challenge but I enjoy the challenge so this is good for me..and I love to learn new things..I got a few scrapes the first time as I landed in gravel but nothing serious..not the second time etiher..just angry at myself more than anything. I got back on him both times right off and rode him and worked him to let him know that he was not to react like that. The second time I was at the end of my ride and was tired so after I got on him and rode him a little while friend Steven got on him and rode him some more..we double teamed him to make sure he got the message about spooking. The trainers who trained Flash and me both also gave me tips on riding this wild thing...they check in with me every so often to see if I need any tips and I go visit them while they are training other horses as well..I love this process so am willing to tke a few my age it is not the best idea...I figure by the time Flash mellows out will be about the time I am ready to retire so he will be just right for riding until I am 80 or so....:)

19 Nov, 2008


I think you're brave to tackle such a young horse - is Flash your first horse? I used to ride a wonderful mare (the absolute love of my life to this day) that had been broken in late in life (at 7yrs I think) because she had been a rescue case. So that's the closest of been to riding a recently broken in horse. They say you should never pair an inexperienced rider with an inexperienced horse, but somehow we just gelled and were really good for each other I think. She had a reputation for being willfull and for 'testing' riders. It was hard work to begin with, but once I'd got a raport with her, she was just great. She was very much in possession of her own mind and if she didn't agree with you, she'd let you know! Bless her - she really used to look after me. She was a good teacher too coz if I got frustrated and stroppy, then she would get stroppy right back! Taught me to be very gentle and patient with all horses and to let them know all the time that they're doing a good job. Her name was Flojo - 16hh, golden dun with the biggest darkest eyes you ever saw! One in a million........

20 Nov, 2008

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This photo was taken at Normanby Hall Country Park.

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