The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Our First Attempt At Willow Weaving

Our First Attempt At Willow Weaving

We coppice our willows and until this year we've not had the time to have a go at weaving a willow panel. "We" really being my husband! - 26 October 2008.

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Well done.

27 Oct, 2008


Thanks Clarice, dont know if we've done it quite right though, but its all good fun! Dawn

27 Oct, 2008


He did a great job and since I'm sure you were there at least cheering him on, I'd say it's a "we" job!! :-)

28 Oct, 2008


Thanks Gardengnome ...

29 Oct, 2008


I just got two baby willow starts from my granfather. We hope to make some baskets, someday :)

29 Oct, 2008


Well, they grow really fast, so good luck!

29 Oct, 2008


I will have to wait till next year now, but i think I will give this ago on a smaller scale.

29 Oct, 2008


Its all good fun, isnt it.

30 Oct, 2008


No Marguerite, my husband just did this to have a go - just used a space between the trees. Its a very time consuming job and we dont have much time lol - takes quite alot of willow whips too!

5 Feb, 2009

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