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Bonkers related to Conker??

Bonkers related to Conker??

I was cleaning out my storage area and this dog jumped out of a box. Says his name is "Bonkers" and he is related to Conker. I think he's a bit too "Raggy" to be related to Conker but only TT knows......

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Where did you get this LOVELY DOG ?
It's not easy to find fluffy toys which closely resemble Shelties/Rough Collies.
Straight to my favourite photos.

If Ladybug finds Bonkers too much trouble, just mail him over here pleeeeeeease. :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o)


28 Oct, 2008


Eh ?

28 Oct, 2008


No, don't worry Bonkers.
It's the American Bonkers I would like sent by special delivery.

Jane and Mary need you for squirrel patrol. :o)

28 Oct, 2008


OMG!!! You should try and get a picture of him with a lawn mower, hahahaha....

28 Oct, 2008


BB - Sorry, this dog's name has been "Bonkers" for many years. I used to drive my cats bonkers when I got him out and played with them. Now that they are older, they seem to know he is not real. No fun anymore. Thinking of sending him to TT.....he's been in storage for a bit...kinda dusty...sorry for the are still THE ONE AND ONLY BONKERS at GOY...

28 Oct, 2008


Does it really look like I might get that Sheltie?
Would cost a fortune to mail across the ocean !
But it is soooooooooooooo lovely. :o)

NN ~ Conker's John Deere mower came from the USA.
It was the only one I could find small enough. :o)

28 Oct, 2008


What we do for our animals...But I have never shipped anything overseas, Terratoonie! Your pups are MAJORLY SPOILED!

28 Oct, 2008


First time I've ever imported an item especially for Conker's tricks!
Most items come as used toys from the charity shops. That's good because the charity gets money, and then we use the items at dog shows also in aid of charity.

The John Deere mower, from USA, is super.
It makes 'real sounds' and then when Conker has finished cutting the grass, a recording inside the mower says, in an American accent ~

28 Oct, 2008


Speaking of accents (mine is American) NN-what kind of accent do the people of Newfoundland have? Is it more British? There are several languages spoken in Canada. I was just wondering now that TT brought it up.

28 Oct, 2008


Thanks Skippy but think the club may be expanding at an alarming rate!
I ll be over in a jiffy TT.

28 Oct, 2008


Bonkersbon ~
My pets are looking forward to seeing you in a jiffy.
Please arrive by Royal Mail large letter rate ~
can't afford a packet.

Conker is practising on his piano,
Bonsai ready to recommend his medication and
budgie Crocus all set to give you a little Trill.

28 Oct, 2008


You in East anglia TT I could arrive down East coast by packet steamer.

28 Oct, 2008


Don't want secret agents steaming packet open before it arrives.
An educated chap such as yourself will surely be more at home punting along the Cam. :o)

28 Oct, 2008


These pictures really freaked me out, especially when you called him Bonkers, I thought I'd been missing something...! I wonder what Ladybug makes of him?

30 Oct, 2008


Readejahn ~
You can catch up with the story on the other photo ~
if you can make any sense of it all. Lol :o)

Ladybug has very generously sent Bonkers on a long journey across the pond...............

30 Oct, 2008

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