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With her bone..It was for her birthday, but I couldn't resist giving it to her today!

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My Welsh Terrier received his birthday present mower before his actual birthday.
When is Scrunchion's birthday?
How old will she be ?
Will you bake her a cake?
You're good at cakes. Lol.

28 Oct, 2008


Unsure of birthdate, we got her from spca early last april...Her first birthday is around end oct/beginning we consider halloween her birthday...
We will have a cake or some type of treat for well as some new toys and bones....
Nothing elaborate like a mower!!!!!!
We are quite proud of her progress since she has come with us...Just need a little "refining" now...

29 Oct, 2008


Doesn't that face just say "I'm HaHaHaHaHappy"

29 Oct, 2008


You're right Skippy. She looks such a happy doggie.
Does she have white hairy toes on all four feet ?
She's so lovely. :o)

29 Oct, 2008


That is one happy fur kid....Yowzers!!!..Yip-Yip- Yowzers!!!

29 Oct, 2008


Happy, and energetic..
She has a little white on the front paws, quite a bit on the back ones....I say she looks like someone dipped her in paint.

29 Oct, 2008




31 Oct, 2008


Thanks, Terratoonie, how SWEET of you to think of Scrunchion on her 1st birthday!
Today has already been a good day for her, she got seconds at breakfast and mom will be making yummy cream puffs later! Toys will also be brought out at intervals...
Unfortuneately, she will be forced to dress up briefly for
Thanks again, TT!

31 Oct, 2008


LOL...cannot wait to see her party pictures...Happy Birthday Scrunchion!

31 Oct, 2008


thanks, catfinch, it was a small family party....Scrunchion and her sister loved the cream puffs I made, and of course the birthday girl was allowed to eat one cream puff at the table......

1 Nov, 2008


If Scrunchion dropped cream on her toes,
we'd never know. :o)

1 Nov, 2008


Sounds like a good time was had by all... :)

2 Nov, 2008

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