By Catfinch

31 Oct, 2008
She is on the peak of my roof...she and my other dog Phoebe can get on the roof from my upper deck. Phoebe started it...she is aprt Besenji and has sticky paws. People used to ask David "Do you know there are dogs on your roof? he would say.."I'm not sure but if you'll humm a few bars I try to remember."
Comments on this photo
I,ve seen cats but never dogs,great photo
31 Oct, 2008
lol good answer from Dave
31 Oct, 2008
I really hope that Henry doesn't see this photo and try it for himself! Please put a health warning on it! LOL.
31 Oct, 2008
She obviously has a head for heights.
How high up is this ?
31 Oct, 2008
20 ft...or so I suppose...I can go out holding onto the side wall and call for them..sometimes there are 3 dogs and Larry out there...Sofie has not been going up there since her back legs went bad...but Phoebe and Jasper my boarders dog go up together and Larry still does. We are known around town as the house with the dogs on the roof...neighbors bring visitors by to see them in the summer. They don't go up much in the rainy winter...only on sunny days if they get a good one. This has been going on ever since we have had Phoebe...she is about 12 now....
31 Oct, 2008
Seems you have cats which think they are dogs, and dogs which think they are cats. Would be interesting to have a photo taken from further away so you can see the whole building with dogs on top ! I would be terrified they would break their legs !
31 Oct, 2008
I believe I have a photo on disc of them on the peak of the porch somewhere..I will see if I can find it...that is where they like to stand to bark at people who come to the door...a bit un-nerving for the newcomers...LOL..
31 Oct, 2008
They, too probably feel braver and bolder barking from up there...Sofie is a real sweetheart, Cat
31 Oct, 2008
Oh goodness they are a terrifying lot..barking and wagging their tails...LOL..Phoebe doesn't bark ..she that is a bit weird too...
31 Oct, 2008
Love the dog and also Daves sense of humour...
7 Nov, 2008
Thank you Tina....
14 Nov, 2008
thats quite a lovley going to breed my sharpi with a pug or a french them a vast gene pool.i dont know about your countries breed rules but our so called kennel club allows father to breed with daughter once.thats moraly wrong surly
10 Feb, 2009
Yes Phoebe being Besenji and Sheba Enu is a nice mix...both are hunting dogs...the Sheba Enu is a Japanese Mountain hunting dog while the Besenji is and African desert hunting dog...Only problem is she has always been very head strong, very smart, and thinks we are terribly dumb.....also thinks she has to take care of us...and is quite a good care dog for the nursing home when she has gone there to visit the ill and elderly....
Sofie the one in this I think Beagle and spaniel of some sort..she has a Beagle hound bark which is more of a funny bark and a Beagle is a rescue not sure...
11 Feb, 2009
id say clumber spanial at a guess.
11 Feb, 2009
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I've never seen dogs do this.
31 Oct, 2008