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Beautiful face paint

Beautiful face paint

This picture is posted for Newfienurse..this is my step-great-niece. Her drama teacher painted her face during class as a demonstration (not that a 13 yr old needs any more drama in her life)

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Well, this is amazing!!!! I bet your niece loved it!
Thanks for posting it for me....Your niece is beautiful!! You should keep it here, I'm sure lots more would like to see it.
And hey, everyone could use a little more drama in their life!! lol.
Tell your niece I said hello!

31 Oct, 2008


Really love this photograph! My great-grandson had his face painted recently - can't show you because I wasn't able to take a photograph. However, he looked wonderful. Mind you, all 3 year olds look terrific, don't they? Well, I would say that wouldn't I?

31 Oct, 2008 are right...all 3 year olds have their redeeming qualities...

31 Oct, 2008


Your neice looks quite happy about her self here....

31 Oct, 2008


what a pretty girl and brilliant face painting

31 Oct, 2008


Thanks for the comments. She wears braces so would not smile for the picture.

31 Oct, 2008


I had braces for 4 years. I know how she feels...But it will be well worth it soon enough.

1 Nov, 2008


Beautiful girl! Nice face paint love it!

2 Nov, 2008


Thanks, Pollyannaever

2 Nov, 2008


Beautiful work! Almost a shame to clean it off!

3 Nov, 2008


Nice design. Funny that you say that, Gillian about it being a shame to clean it off. I've seen some people with the facial tattoos and I think that it puts a lot of people off, I think that they find it a little disturbing. But most people love face painting!! I wonder why that is???? Just an observation :)

11 Nov, 2008


I always say to each his own as long as they understand all implications both present and future. At least with face painting, you have the opportunity to remove it.

I talked to my niece and she said they had a heck of a time removing it. Grease paint is difficult. I used to do some amateur clowning and it was difficult to remove grease paint. There are products which help.

11 Nov, 2008


Very beautiful. Her drama teacher should be complimented.

Your niece should also consider a B&W photograph pose with you.

I once worked for a well known photographer, her son was even more brilliant. She did B&W photography, developed and all that stuff. When she moved, she offered me some copies if I wanted them. DUH! Somehow, in the hurry to spiff of the place for the sale, garage sale and all that I forgot to ask.

Facial portaits and fantastic nudes to die for! Two of them were compositions on huge rocks with river energy flowing throughout. I am going to have to see if she is still around. I know she would send them to me.

I reflect on how many things once offered to me that I didn't follow through on. :-)

7 Dec, 2008


Thanks for your comment Sky...

8 Dec, 2008

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