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Cosmos filling in the corner bed


By Telme8

Cosmos filling in the corner bed

Now filled with the perminent shrubs and roses together with Black Iris (Snakes head Iris) perenial Gladioli and the Mouse plant

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That's beautiful.
What's a mouse plant ?

2 Nov, 2008


A Mouse plant is a little lilly type bulb which increase and grows in clumps. all you see is a mound of these little lilly type leaves (Lilly as in the Big White aerum Lilly) but tiny! but if you look down in the base of the leaves you will find all these dear little mice!! with long curley tails. I always take the children into the garden at the right time of the year to look for mice, when I have showed them where to find them we pick a lot and take them in the house and arrange them arround the edge of a saucer of water putting the little short stems into the water and they sit on the edge of the saucer and their tails all curl or stick up they are a facinating subject especially with children around!! The Botanical name is Arisarum Proboscideum. There is a good picture of them in the Royal Horticultural A-Z. Never thought to take a photo of them on my saucer!!

2 Nov, 2008


Next time they are available, please take a picture of the saucer and mice, we would love to see them...BTW..this picture is wonderful..I'm off to look up that botannical name you gave...bye, and thanks Telme!

2 Nov, 2008


Just looked it up...very cute...still would like to see how you display them...on the saucer

2 Nov, 2008

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