The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Always carry a large bag!


By Gillian

Always carry a large bag!

Inspired by Terratoonie's blog on how we acquire our plants, I dug this out of an old album. My husband took it as evidence, should he ever need to turn me in!

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And just where did your sticky fingers get this from?

4 Nov, 2008


Caught in the act with your swag bag ?
Stolen fruit ?
Do you mean that my blog inspired you to venture into criminal activities ??? :o)

4 Nov, 2008


This was from a long time ago when we were dating, we used to like visiting stately homes around England. Can't say where I was, secret!

4 Nov, 2008


All flora has evolved to be propagated by nature eg insects, wind, animal digestion, sticky fingered humans.......

5 Nov, 2008


Thank you Ams!

5 Nov, 2008


Let he who is without sin cast the first stone,lol

5 Nov, 2008


I always seem to take a larger than necessary camera bag with me when visiting gardens. Can't think why ...LOL

5 Nov, 2008


Gillian, I have been pondering about this subject all morning, is guerrilla propagation really a bad thing as long as only small cuttings or seeds are liberated. I am going to start the GOY Liberation Front and it my mission to lift a twig of lavender from a neighbours garden under the cover of darkness. I promise I have never done this before but someone has been liberating cuttings from my garden similar to TT's. As I mentioned in my earlier mail I know the plants would be delighted.

6 Nov, 2008


I would never take seeds or cuttings unless the plant was thriving, plentiful and not a rare species. I don't think I am upsetting the balance of nature too greatly.

6 Nov, 2008


There is a piece of ground past my back fence which is not really mine.
I've made it into a pretty border and it is officially called my Guerilla Garden.

Though I've not yet managed to grow many Gorillas :o)

6 Nov, 2008


Good, if I am caught I can sight my 2 mentors ;-)

6 Nov, 2008


Don't steal my gorillas :o)

6 Nov, 2008


Couple of houses back we backed onto greenbelt (which you're not supposed to do anything with) but there was a bit of a slope so I made a wildflower rockery.

6 Nov, 2008


I bet your guerilla rockery looked lovely.
Did you take a photo?

6 Nov, 2008


What a favorite! Nostalgic and that 'Oh, that reminds me of picking up a...' feeling. When the plant is just sitting there offering itself..... :-)

6 Nov, 2008


Greenthumb ~
I'm quite shocked. :o) :o) :o)

6 Nov, 2008


Not sure where my picture is TT, I'll have to take a look. What was worse about this was the fact that the house we were renting had a pool, which needed to be backwashed periodically, creating quite a flow of water going out behind the house, and I actually created a 'stream bed' winding through my rockery for the water to flow down!

6 Nov, 2008


caught in the act...... you terror

3 Dec, 2008


Oh, Gillian.
What a lot of confessions. :o)

3 Dec, 2008

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